My favorite Alpha Xi Delta alumna shirts

This next year will be my last year at The University of Kansas and I am very unsure on how I should feel. Part of me is excited to start working in the real world, move downtown, get an apartment and start traveling. But, another part of me is scared of the unknown. College gave me a sense of belonging and guidance that I needed. I knew what classes I needed to take to graduate and had older women in my sorority that were always prepared to help me with anything. With college coming to an end I am starting to realize that there is a whole avenue of things that are going to be brand new to me. I am going to have to cook all my own meals now (goodbye sorority chef), I am going to have to learn how to pay taxes and bills (thank you dad for always doing that for me), I am going to have be the one in charge of cleaning my apartment (thank you mom for always keeping our home very clean!) but maybe most importantly I am going to have to get better at keeping in touch with my sorority sisters since we will no longer live right down the hall from each other. All of these may prove to be a little hard, however, it is reassuring to know just how many sorority alumni there are that are always ready to help a sister out. 

I have already started to think about graduation and know that for my senior pictures I want to have a cute alumni shirt on. Even though I won’t be an active member anymore, I do still want to have sorority apparel to wear after I graduate and am in the real world. 

Down below I have listed some of my all time favorite Alpha Xi Delta alumna shirts!

AXID sorority alumna crewneck sweatshirt 

This alumna crewneck is my all time fav! I cannot wait to proudly wear this one around when I am officially a sorority alumni. 

Alpha Xi Delta black star sorority t-shirt

This tee is so simple and cute. Perfect to wear even after graduation.

Alpha Xi Delta block letter sorority crewneck sweatshirt

This is such a simple and cute crewneck sweatshirt. This is definitely something I could see myself giving to my future daughter or niece.

AXID vintage alumna crewneck sweatshirt

This is one of my all time favorite alumna crewnecks. I love the pink and how simple it is!

AXID black box crewneck sweatshirt

I love how unique this design. It is just the right amount of trendy and timeless.

I hope you were able to find some cute Alpha Xi Delta alumna apparel in this blog!

Until next time sisters!



Kappa Alpha Theta

The University of Kansas



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